Сегодня две интересные вакансии: одна в Лондоне, а вторая в городе Турку (Финляндия)
Первая вакансия в университете в городе Турку на следующий учебный год (контракт 1.8.2018–31.7.2019.) Университет Турку - это второй по величине университет Финляндии после Хельсинкского университета. Основан в 1920 году.
Преподаватель РКИ на факультет перевода и гуманитарных наук.
Fixed-termed University Lecturer in Russian (нужна степень)
FACULTY OF HUMANITIES, UNIVERSITY OF TURKU INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF University Lecturer in Russian in the School of Languages and Translation Studies, Department of Russian Studies, for a fixed period of 1.8.2018–31.7.2019.
The School is an active, diverse and international centre for teaching and research on language studies. The areas of strength of the School of Languages and Translation Studies are the following: cognitive linguistics, digital linguistics, research on interaction and variation, postcolonial literary studies, book history, study of Finnish and other Finno-Ugric languages, translation studies, changes in language and writing at cultural turning points, language learning and teaching, research on grammar and vocabulary, philology and history of learning.
In accordance with the university research career model, the position of University Lecturer is a third stage career position. The position of University Lecturer includes teaching in the field of Russian studies and thesis supervision.
The duties in the open position include teaching in basic, intermediate and advanced level studies, participating in student admissions, creating a new minor subject curriculum, developing the studies, and administrative duties, as well as conducting independent scientific research.
The eligibility criteria for a University lecturer are defined in the rules of procedure of the University of Turku. Successful performance in the post of University Lecturer requires an appropriate doctoral degree, the ability to supervise theses and to give high-quality research-based teaching, excellent proficiency in Russian and fluency in Finnish, experience in university level teaching of Russian and good interaction skills. When assessing the merits of the applicants for the post, scientific work, expertise in the field, teaching experience and pedagogical education, ability to produce study materials and other teaching merits shall be taken into account.
Подавать заявку нужно на официальном сайте университета.
2) Вторая вакансия:
Преподаватель РКИ в лондонский колледж DLD. (не нужна степень)
DLD- это независимый колледж предуниверситетской подготовки.
Там учатся подростки серьезно настроенные поступать в Оксфорд и Кембридж. Колледж находится прямо в центре Лондона.
Описание вакансии:
Russian Teacher
The Principal invites enthusiastic and well-qualified Russian graduates to apply for the position of Russian Teacher starting in September 2018. DLD College London is an independent co-educational College situated in the heart of London overlooking Westminster and the river Thames. There are around 500 students from 52 different countries and over 250 boarders.
College Website: www.dldcollege.co.uk
Closing date for applications: Friday 22nd June 2018 at 2pm
Purpose of the post
To work with the Head of Faculty and the Vice Principal Academic in order to ensure that the highest academic, professional and ethical standards are maintained at all times.
Personal Specification
• Qualifications: A good honours degree in an appropriate subject. Desirable: Teaching qualification and/or other post graduate qualification
• Expertise and academic competence; the ability to seek, review and apply best practice. A minimum of two years’ teaching experience for those without a teaching qualification. We accept applications from NQTs and provide a programme to support their Statutory Induction year at the college.
• Personal effectiveness; good time management, ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines; good communication, presentation and planning skills.
• Commitment; to on-going professional development and training to develop outstanding classroom practice.
• To be able to engage with and be proficient in the use of technology.
• Demonstrate a commitment to high quality teaching and learning by supporting initiatives within the Faculty.
Each teacher should always:
• set excellent standards of punctuality, speech and manner.
• dress in a professional manner.
• seek to make the classroom and college environment friendly and stimulating.
• issue instructions clearly and without ambiguity.
• listen to students and stimulate dialogue. Always seek to encourage students and never humiliate them.
• deal promptly with any aspect of student behaviour that is to the detriment of the development of other students in the group or the college as a whole.
• ensure that the classroom is always neat, tidy, safe and a pleasant place to work in, being attentive to the overall security of the college premises.
• Immediately report to a senior member of staff any sighting of unauthorised persons in the building.
Job Description
Like all colleagues in college, the teacher is responsible for providing a friendly, stimulating and secure environment in which every student has the opportunity to develop academically, socially and personally.
With the guidance of the Subject Leader and Head of Faculty, the Teacher is responsible for the complete and timely delivery of the subject syllabus, using a variety of teaching strategies to engage and challenge all students and meet their needs.
The Teacher is responsible for their Students’ Academic Progress and has to:
• Ensure that students are taught in line with the examination specification.
• Adhere to the departmental scheme of work.
• Keep records of the students’ attendance in lessons.
• Follow the guidelines for:
• high quality teaching as defined in the handbook
• setting, marking and assessing work as stated in the staff handbook
• use of resources; checking of student files; learning support; use of ICT; health and safety procedures
• classroom management as defined in the department’s classroom management and discipline policy
• Implement any recommendations for improvement in teaching or administration that are made by subject leaders or senior members of staff
• Attend in-service training and classroom observation plus feedback sessions as requested by the Subject Leader or Head of Faculty
• Ensure that coursework deadlines and internal and external exam arrangements are clearly communicated to students
• Подавать заявку нужно здесь
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